Tattoos aren’t expensive!

You might have read the title and thought to yourself “err.. yeah they are” 🤨  “This guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about” or “‘sure, if you’ve got bags of cash” 😵‍💫

Look at it this way though, sure the upfront cost of a tattoo can be a hit to the wallet but when you consider how long they last they’re way better value than other luxury expenses. With a quality tattoo it’s not just the ink you’re paying for; it’s an investment into a piece of art you can take everywhere with you for the rest of your life. 

Quality work is usually more expensive, but you shouldn’t settle for the cheapest option, you deserve better! Take some time when choosing a tattoo artist, look at their portfolios, what style do they like to work in? Are they highly recommended? Book a consultation with an artist and don’t be afraid to walk away if you aren’t happy. If you take the time to find the right artist for you and invest in a skilled professional you’ll get a design you love and will be proud to wear forever. 

But you said “‘Tattoos aren’t expensive!”, yeah you’re right I did say that.
In the U.K tattoos range from around £50 to £150 per hour and day sessions average around £400 per day. There are always exceptions and anomalies and prices will vary depending on artist, location, experience, size, detail, etc.

Let’s say best case scenario your tattoo takes a day session to complete and you pay the artist £400, everything is awesome and your tattoo heals well because you did your research and found a solid artist. You’ve got that tattoo for the rest of your life. If you only live another 30 years (hopefully you’ll live a lot longer than that) then that tattoo will have cost you roughly £0.03 per day! 🤯 What else can you get for 3p per day? 🤷‍♂️

A luxury haircut? ❌
Average cost - £100
Lifespan - 6 weeks
Cost per day - £2.38 

Acrylic/Gel Nails? ❌
Average cost -£60
Lifespan - 3 weeks 
Cost per day - £2.86

Gym Membership? ❌
Average cost - £47.24
Lifespan - 1 month 
Cost per day - £1.55

Car finance? ❌
Average cost - £300 per month
Lifespan - 5 Year/60 months 
Cost per day - £9.86

The list could go on and on, really what I found was when you look at the cost per day for just about anything in the long term tattoos are one of the cheapest things you could spend your money on. If you got a £100 tattoo when you turned 18 and lived to be 80 it would have cost you less than half a penny per day or roughly £1.38 per year over its lifetime, which is insanely cheap for a piece of Art that you can take everywhere you go for the rest of your life. 



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