Some strange man has been writing things about us on the internet! Why?
2025 has already begun and is well under way as we creep closer to March as of writing this. As with almost every tattoo artist on the planet nowadays, at 7th Circle Tattoo & Piercing, we run the usual type of content on social media platforms: posts, stories and the occasional reel. If your ‘feed’ looks anything like ours, it's filled with a lot of similar content especially if the algorithm has figured out what you like, which is tattoos of course, and that's why you’re here! In the past, we’ve run some blog posts intermittently with good success so we are broadening our horizons once again with the content we provide from our studio.
So with the title and the first paragraph of rambling out of the way, you may be wondering what I’m actually on about. Well it may shock you to find that the person writing this is actually not Kevin or Bogdan (our resident artists), it's me…Adam. I’m a customer turned friend of Kevin’s with enough time on my hands to do a bit of writing on the side to assist the workload of the studio. Kevin expressed the desire to have a blog but unfortunately there are only so many hours in the day therefore I will be joining 7th Circle Tattoo & Piercing as the team blogger.
Right here on our website, I’ll be working with Kevin and Bogdan to create an engaging blog for you once a month. Our goal with the blog is to give a balanced view of the world of tattooing from the perspective of the artists and myself alike. Prepare for an amalgamation of Kevin & Bogdan’s professional insights, and ponderings from me, Kevin’s walking canvas. Join us as we bridge the gap between the master tattooist and the uninformed with a combination of reoccurring segments, interviews, general information, advice and always our best attempts at funny headlines.
So with that being said, please don't be afraid to comment with your own ideas and questions for the tattoo world or our blog, they very well may be covered or included in the future!
This year, in 2025, 7th Circle Studio will complete its New Years resolution even if started a bit late. We’ll see you again on the 1st.